Sunday, October 6, 2013

May Madness

 We had quite a busy May it seems, since there are so many pictures in this post! These first two, obviously, are of us with our sweet Suri lounging in bed. She's such a sweetheart and we love any time she lets us cuddle up with her.

 In the beginning of May, our sis Ashley was getting married, so we had lots of family events going on. These pics are from a fun family day we had with a giant water slide! Suri was very cautious at first, but once all her cousins arrived and she saw how much fun they were having, she started sliding down with Papa & Daddy and had a blast! Sofia and the other little kids got to play in a kiddie pool. It was lots of fun before the big wedding day!

 Auntie Tristan and fam came to visit for the wedding too! We got to meet our adorable little nephew/cousin, Novak! He was such a sweet little boy and I miss his chubby little cheeks!! ;)   Then Suri learned from her cousin Zaylee about sharing stories on the fireplace, so she would climb up and sing, "La la la....!"

Sammy & Suri eating fruit snacks

 Sofia with her orangutan/mohawk hair

  learning to climb!! we're in trouble!

doctor visits.... no fun :/

my love <3 br="">

 fun times at the park with our little aliens

 The hot tub at Nana and Papa's house became our pool for the summer. Set it to the coolest temp and we were good to go!
 strong daddy! * chillin in her princess seat

 getting kisses from my little * silly girls climbed up onto the fireplace! CAUGHT YA!

 We took a road trip up to Benicia to visit with Gramma Denise & Grampa Rich, and the auntie and uncles! Suri went the entire 4 hours without a diaper (she was in big girl panties!) and we didn't even know until we made a pit stop at the Apricot Tree.... where she found this sweet Princess tin purse souvenir... $7.99! Woo-hoo! Meanwhile, little Sofi-bug relaxed with her fluffy bunny :)

Gramma & Grampa had a pool all set up for the girls when we arrived!

Sofia loved to play with little puppy, Daisy (aka ankle biter!)

 the girls had a fun visit with their Gramma D

...and we celebrated a sweet Mother's Day! I am so blessed to have these two angels in my life!
(Unfortunately, I got sick on the trip and spent most of the time in bed :-( ) But we did have a good time when I was feeling better and got to check out Mama D's shop and explore the area :)

 my little Babushka! * sweet girl - I love this outfit!

 We had lots of visits with cousin Chloe and her cute little kids, Lilly and Liam! The girls loved to run around, jump on the beds, play outside, eat everything in sight! and Sofia and Liam had fun picking on each other (mostly Sofia bossing him around) & sharing their food with each other!

Sofia knocked out during the festivities * my handsome hubby & adorable little Suri

These are from way earlier in the month of May, but somehow, I loaded them out of order. And unfortunately, I don't know where my pics are with the actual bride & groom! But it was a lovely wedding, with a little chaos of a storm that changed plans - but it was still a fun time & beautiful ceremony joining two amazing people, and we were happy to be a part of it! Congrats Ashley & Jake!

 Suri & I smiling and making silly faces :)

It may have been a month filled with madness, but it led to many wonderful memories :)


  1. Sarah Dear I am jealous of you because of your beauty :) You really are so beautiful! I just LOVE that pic of you 3 girls on mothers day, I saved it to our computer because it makes me happy :) Love your fam, especially u (seth is just okay... ;) ) just kidding love you all! :)

    1. Oh Shay! You are gorgeous my friend! Thank you though, I do love that pic of me and my girls :) Love your fam too!! Miss you guys a TON!!
