Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Suri celebrated her first Halloween last night! She dressed up as an adorable bumble bee (while I attempted a poorly 'homemade' ladybug) & had lots of fun trick-or-treating! She actually was quite the trooper- never made a fuss! In fact, she even took the candy out of the bowls all by herself sometimes! We went trick-or-treating with our friends that live upstairs, who had awesome costumes! The boy was Cat in the Hat, his sisters were Thing 1 & Thing 2, and then his mom and dad dressed up as the kids! It was super cute! We all had lots of fun & it was nice for Suri to experience trick-or-treating with other kids! Suri got lots of candy (which she can't eat!), so it will go to Mommy & Daddy! lol. Seth came home and said alright let's check out what we got! lol. The man who didn't care for any Halloween festivities was the first to pick at the loot! Gotta love him :) Seems the popular candy around here to hand out is Reese's and Butterfinger. Suri really seemed to enjoy it & I think she mostly enjoyed seeing all the people. One house had an adorable black pug named Frankie, and I was in love! lol. We went around the neighborhood for an hour before calling it quits and scored a fair amount of candy - enough for us at least. I may try out a candy bar chocolate chip cookie recipe, if I get the time, or motivation! lol. Here are our pics from last night:

our family

ladybug & bumble bee w/ her pail

making our way down the street

first house: Suri picking out her own candy!

the whole gang trick-or-treating

As for our other Halloween festivities, during the week Suri wore some Halloween inspired outfits and our apartment complex played a cute game of Boo-ing each other! One person starts the game by leaving a surprise gift (candy, stickers, anything Halloween inspired) on two door steps with a note that says, 'You've been Boo-ed!' and a cute little poem, telling those people to post their 'We've been Boo-ed!' sign on their door/window & to continue the cycle until every house/apartment has been hit! It was fun to wake up & open the door to see our cute little pirate bag waiting for us! And it was even more fun to BOO others by sneaking their bags on their door step at night when no one could see who did it! Fun times :)

Suri & Daddy at Balboa Park

Suri playing on the lawn at Balboa Park

Just BOO-tiful!

But not digging the headband :(

our little ballerina :)

the princess w/ her daddy

in her pumpkin shirt & funky baby legs

I love baby legs!

our surprise BOO bag!

our BOO goodies & sign

Hope everyone had a fun, safe and Happy Halloween!!! xoxo, SC 3