Thursday, June 10, 2010

it's been awhile...

but nothing too exciting has happened.... except that I'm PREGNANT! ha :)

we are very happy & excited about this new journey in our lives! we kept it a secret for about 7 weeks (from my family) - and we told Seth's family around 4 weeks. everyone is very happy and truly didn't believe us at first when we told them! pretty much everyone knows now - close friends & family - and we will let everyone else know around 12 weeks, when we feel more comfortable. right of today, in fact... I am 10 weeks!

it has been a rather rocky first trimester - I developed a nasty rash (shingles!) - which is commonly an old person's disease - lovely. and I've been nauseous and exhausted, and all those other wonderful feelings that go along with pregnancy! Seth would of course name mood swings as my first symptom! although I feel that I've been quite the angel :)

Seth and I are excited to hear the heartbeat - and keep wondering whether or not there are two little peanuts inside! Twins run in both sides of my family, and in his dad's we will see. That would be quite an adventure! but we have to wait about two or three more weeks before we go to the doctor again.... so there will be much to update about in the near future!