Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Suri!

Happy 1st Birthday Suri!
January 5, 2012

Suri celebrated her 1st birthday on January 5, 2012! But she had a lot of parties before this actual date! She was able to celebrate in Bakersfield, CA with family there & had lots of fun playing with her toys & cousins; then she had two birthdays in VA & a special 1st birthday photo shoot @ JCPenney! It was wonderful to be able to share the big day with both sides of our families & to see our little girl have a wonderful time & enjoy her special day! She's growing so fast & is such a joy and blessing in our lives - each and every day! Happy birthday princess! Mommy & Daddy love you - to the moon and back <3 xoxo

Auntie Amanda bought Suri her first ever balloons & Suri loved them, so did Sam :)

birthday girl * getting love from Papa & Nana

finger paints from Auntie April & fam * Sam helping her open gifts * shopping cart from the grands

When it came time for her birthday cake, she was a little cautious because no one else had any cake & we were all sitting around staring at her! Quickly though, she got into it and enjoyed the yummy oreo goodness! She attempted to smash her face into it a few times, but stopped herself once we all started laughing. She did pick up the whole plate & take a big bite! Lots of messy fun!

Special treat for our sweet!

In Virginia, we had a nice little celebration with my side of the family. Suri had on her special 'Birthday Princess' outfit & a special corsage sent from Great Auntie Pat & Uncle Jack in Chicago! Suri had fun opening her gifts & definitely enjoyed another taste of some yummy cake! It really never gets old watching a baby smear frosting all over themselves! Too cute! (until you have to clean it up). We had a wonderful time & truly enjoyed everyone helping us share in her special 1st birthday!

wanting to tear open her gift * happy girl * reading her card!

Dr. Seuss books! YAY! * Splash art! * Suri loving her presents :)

Suri's special cake * bday girl w/ her balloons * making a wish!!

first bite * yummy frosting! * look at that face! * Suri loves cake!

She also got a little birthday party on her actual birthday - just a cookie cake & some family time! She is such a ham & had such a fun time! Our little girlie is growing up & it's an amazing journey to watch unfold right before our eyes!

Happy Birthday cookie! * Root Beer love - like Mama & Dada!

playing w/ Gma Anne's phone * hanging out w/ Uncle Abbott

Looking forward to the next wild year...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Santa Claus is coming to town...

And so are we! To Virginia that is...or was. We arrived Christmas Eve night, after a loooong flight & were greeted at the airport by my mom and my brothers (while pop was at home making my favorite meal!). To their surprise, Suri was wearing this special shirt...

This little monkey has a secret.... I'm going to be a big sister!

And that's our exciting news! A new bundle of joy will be arriving this July 2012! Everyone (both families) is really happy & can't wait to hear the news if it's a boy or girl, which we should find out around Valentine's you better come back if you want to know too!!!

On to our trip - Christmas day - we woke up around 8 or 9 am and opened presents w/ my mom & pop - Suri actually got into ripping the paper off this time. And she received lots of fun things! An Elefun ball popper, a super soft Elmo shirt, The Lion King dvd...and much much more! We also got dvd players for the car to keep Suri entertained on our trips! YAY! After Christmas at my mom's house, we went to my Auntie Lynne & Uncle Neil's to celebrate with them, my Nana & my dad. Upon arrival, the boys decided to play some basketball & Suri even got in on the action! We had a wonderful spread of lasagna, gnocchi, meatballs & seafood! It was all soooo delicious! Great food, great conversation, great company. Doesn't get any better (well, unless you add dessert!).

opening presents Christmas morning!

presents, presents, presents * monkeying around w/ Daddy

hanging out w/ Uncle Elliott & Uncle Abbott

boys having fun * first time ever seeing Seth play basketball

Suri's turn! Such a big girl!

photo ops w/ Mommy, Uncle Elmo & Great Nana Rose

bouncing on Daddy's legs * Elmo shirt & dried yogurt face :) * loves Uncle Elmo's phone

took entire bag of Cheerios out of box & poured on ground * her New Year's pjs

We had a great visit in Virginia & were sad to say goodbye! Can't wait for them to visit us here in San Diego in July!! ;) <3 Sc