Sunday, March 28, 2010


seth making crepes! Seth at the top of Cowles Mountain
Me at the top of the mountain

Seth and I

Finally we have time off from school...and get to enjoy San Diego during our spring break! so for our first adventure, yesterday, we went to Cowles Mountain for a day hike! It was 3 miles total up and back and we accomplished it in about an hour and twenty minutes - due to my falling & being attacked by bugs!
Seth's favorite quote of the whole adventure: Sarah:"why are there so many bugs?", Seth: "we're outside, in nature." ha ha. yeah, that was my blonde moment. but seriously i was getting ATTACKED!!
Rule # 1: do not put on floral fragrance deodorant when going on a hike. all in all, we had a great time! it was awesome to see the view of the whole city from the top of the mountain, and it was so great to spend some alone time together.
Afterwards we went to Chevy's and got some yummy Mexican enchiladas! and of course a nice lil pick me up: margarita for Seth & raspberry rum kiss for me! then we headed home and ended up taking a nice hour long nap! it felt so good to relax & fall asleep on the floor with the patio door open and the breeze blowing through!
For breakfast yesterday, we made yummy crepes with Nutella & bananas! thanks to a goodie box from my mama with a Costco sized Nutella jar inside! Then for breakfast this morning, I made drop biscuits & some eggs. I love cooking & baking!! I read through two of my cooking light magazines this morning & cannot wait to try some of the delicious recipes!
Hopefully there will be more exciting adventures this spring break! Seth's sister, Ashley and her boyfriend, Jake, are coming down Tuesday through Thursday, then the in-laws will be coming Thursday through Sunday! fun fun!
(I just really want to go shopping & to the zoo - but it's hard to convince the hubby) Anyway.....stay tuned! xoxoxo

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


.... seth and i have received our acceptance letters! we both got into point loma nazarene & i also got into cal poly and san diego state. not sure where i will go at this point. cal poly is out cause it is so far away, so it's down to PLNU vs SDSU. both great schools, one is private with a small student body, one is obviously a state school and has TONS of people. it would be awesome to go to school with seth though. major difference is tuition cost. MAJOR difference. so we shall see how it all plays out. that's the biggest decision going on for me at the moment. seth also has some decisions he is facing at the moment, and we are just taking things one day at a time.

as for school currently, seth is almost done with one class & trucking along in his others. soon he'll only be attending one class on campus & the other two are online - lucky duck! my classes are going well, calculus is getting tougher, but I think I can get through it. Hospitality is going well - doing a group project where we get to do research at wine bars - so that's kinda neat. geography is pretty good. the teacher is hilarious and always says the funniest things you would never imagine a 70 year old man saying. (conserve water, shower with a friend!) but his tests are crazy hard! bummer :(

what else?!? ares got attacked at the dog park, but handled it nicely. this dog is three times his size and he did not back down. that's why his middle name is "killer"! haha. but he did survive & has no battle wounds. Luna Marie (one day I called her this and it just stuck...must be from shay) is doing well. always barking at other dogs - so she doesn't make many friends. but we do have a good little group that meets at the park & all the doggies get along! it's basically a pug pack (4 pugs: Ares, Luna, Hank & Ernie) + a frenchie (Dukes) & a boxer (Summer).... and the occassional visit from Cassius, the old english bulldog. i'll have to bring the camera one day to capture the mayhem! it's quite adorable actually :)

i am also going to donate my hair to locks of love. it's something i've always wanted to do & i've finally fought the urge to snip my hair off so that i can get to that point. so in the next few months it should be over ten inches in a ponytail and i will CHOP it off! the working out has been going pretty well too. seth wrote up this awesome workout for us alternating days between swimming & running. it gets pretty tough, but hopefully i'll be bikini ready by june :) or sooner since we live in cali...haha.

sorry there are no pics with this post... i need to upload them to the computer.. maybe next time :) arrivederci!