Tuesday, February 22, 2011

what happens in vegas...

...gets posted for everyone to see!

For President's Day weekend, we decided to take a mini-vacation to Las Vegas to meet up with our wonderful friends, Nick and Shay, and their adorable daughter, Reagan! The drive to Vegas was about 6 hours, cause we hit a TON of traffic! (The ride home was much better & took about 5.5 hours). We arrived in Vegas around 7 pm @ the Las Vegas Hilton and Suri got to meet Aunt Shay, Uncle Nick and her bff Reagan for the first time! It was sooo cute to see the babies (Reag is 9 1/2 months, Suri - 6 weeks) together! Although we spent a lot of the time in the hotel room - it's tough traveling with youngins - we had such an amazing time! It was awesome to see our best friends & to just get away for the weekend! Suri did wonderfully on her first vacation - sleeping most of the time while we were out and most of the time on the car rides to/from Vegas. We can't wait to see our friends again & plan another fun adventure! Love you guys!

P.s. - videos to come, when I figure out how to post them from our camcorder ;)

Suri in front of the Vegas sign - - - Viva Las Vegas! - - - Reagan & Suri

The Hansens w/ baby Suri - - - - - Reag in her strawberry jammies

Shay and I @ the Miracle Mile Mall where the ceiling looks like the sky outside!

The Paris Hotel - - - Nick & Shay <3 them - - - Reag @ the Eiffel Tower - - - Seth & I in Paris (I wish!) maybe one day :)

Reagan & Suri bonding ;) - - - the amazing Dads w/ their precious girls

Shay & Reag @ the Aquarium in Ceasars Palace

Daddy & me with Suri Jean

Reagan & Suri BFFs! --- Love this pic - Reag's giving this look like, 'This is my baby, don't touch!' --- Suri smiling while Reag checks out her outfit :)

Uncle Seth w/ Reagan. She is soo adorable & starting to talk & walk & makes the cutest faces & noises! We love her <3

the bffs

Our family

1 comment:

  1. sooo cute!!! we miss you guys already!!! that pic of reags serious face is hilarious!!! love you!!!
