Sunday, February 13, 2011

Visiting the Princess

Everyone wants to meet baby Suri! Here she is with some of her visitors:

Her first visitor was Aunt Regina in the L&D room.

Then Grandma Anne & Grandpa Kevin came by to see their first grandbaby!

Uncle Abbott holding his little niece

Uncle Elliott with baby Suri

Nana & Papa came to visit the weekend after Suri was born

Gramma Denise came to stay & help out with baby Suri

She still has a lot more people to meet! Aunt Ashley and Uncle Jake came to visit this weekend - pics to come. She met Uncle Kyle last weekend - no pics, sorry. This coming weekend, she takes her first trip - to VEGAS! - to meet her Aunt Shay, Uncle Nick and best friend Reagan! Then in March, she will meet the rest of her aunts & uncles, great aunts, great great grandmas, etc. And most importantly her brother & sister, Ares & Luna!!!! Then she meets the rest of my side in July & also all of our friends in VA! She's going to be Little Miss Popular this year! :)

1 comment:

  1. so fun!! Everyone is loving suri but tell them to let her catch some shut eye once in a while!!! ;)
