Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome to the world Suri Jean!

On January 5th at 4:47 pm, Suri Jean was born! She weighed in at 8 lbs exactly and was 20.5 inches long!

The semi- short version of the labor story: Seth and I decided to go on one last date night on January 4, since my family would be coming in the next day and it would be the last time it would ever be just the two of us. So we went out to Truluck's in La Jolla, a steak and seafood restaurant (with amazing chocolate cake!). During the dinner, I was feeling a lot of pressure but didn't think anything of it. Thought it was just cramps basically. Then on the car ride, they were getting a bit more intense. When we got home, I was pacing back and forth across the room as the "cramps" seemed to get more intense and more frequent. Seth started timing the contractions (duh sarah!) and said, "um, yeah I think we need to go to the hospital!" me: "are you serious?" haha...I was in disbelief that this was really about to happen. LABOR. We got to the hospital around 9:30 pm and I was at 3.5 cm - so we were instructed to stay at the hospital, but to walk around for two hours! So we did and when we returned, I had progressed to 4.5 cm. The contractions were getting way more intense and when I was admitted to a Labor & Delivery room, I asked for an epidural and received one at around 5 cm.
Then we hit a wall. No progress for quite some time. So they decided to help it along with pitocin. Eventually I made it to 8 cm and the doctor came into break my water. So from that point on, there was LOTS of pressure & it was getting close to pushing time! At 10 cm, the nurse had me do some "practice pushes" & with those baby's head was already visible. The nurse called the doctor who was over at her other office and stuck in the parking garage!! lovely. I could feel tons of pressure and said to the nurse, "um...I think I need to push!" Suri was definitely ready to come out, but the hospital staff was not. The nurse told me to breathe to keep the baby in! Ok now. Really? I wait 9+ months and take a freaking childbirth class to learn how to push her out & you want me to hold her in?! Thanks a lot. At this point, it's getting much harder to hold her in and they call the in house OB. He comes and suits up and as soon as he's about to tell me to push - my doctor comes in. Now we wait for her to suit up - and just as she puts her glove on and says push - which I do - there is beautiful baby Suri! The cord was wrapped around her a bit, but they quickly fixed it. Daddy cut the cord, and then they placed our beautiful little baby girl on my chest!

It was the most amazing experience ever! Seth was the most wonderful labor coach in the world!

Now we are a happy little family & we are enjoying every minute with our precious girl! She is absolutely beautiful & we are so in love <3

1 comment:

  1. yay!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you started blogging again cause I rarely look at fb, but HAVE to to see our neice suri :) She is so beautiful and so are yoU! I am so proud of you guys!!!! Cant WAIT to meet her and see you!! LOve you! Man reading the labor story makes me want to do it again.... :) It is such an amazing experience!!!!
