Sunday, February 14, 2010


I woke up this morning and wanted to do something nice for my husband. I decided to bake him his favorite muffins! Which as I type are in the oven right now. The yummy smell of gooey, warm blueberry muffins fills the apartment :)

When I went to the store this morning, I also wanted to buy a card to tell him how much I love him, but when I picked the one I liked, I looked at the price and it was FIVE DOLLARS! for a piece of paper with words written by someone else. not the best way to share your love.

So to my loving husband, Seth:

I love you. You are an amazing man and I am so blessed to have you in my life. I am extremely happy that you chose me to have by your side and be your wife. (haha smart guy's a rhymer!) You have given me so much joy and happiness, & turned my world upside down. Without you, I would be lost. You are the sweetest, most loving, giving and passionate man I know. I appreciate everything you do for us & everything you do each day to bring a smile to my face. I love who you are and what you believe. I love your passion and determination to do what you want with life. I love your adventurous spirit, but mostly I love the side of you that no one sees but me. I could have never imagined meeting someone who loves me as much as you do and who takes care of me like you do. God has given me the greatest husband and my best friend. You are the love of my life and I love every minute of our life together. Happy Valentine's Day Sweetheart!

Love, your Firefly

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