Friday, June 29, 2012

Suri attempting to entertain Sofia! (Make sure the sound is turned up)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer time!!

Suri & Nana

Suri & Papa w/ her Harley cat

playing bumper cars with Daddy

kick the ball!

grill time :)

digging in the dirt

smelling the flowers w/ Nana

our sweet pea

hanging out :)

my beach bums

running for the water

hold tight!

hanging on Daddy

playing in the sand with cousin Zay

me & my love <3
This summer has been a lot of fun & we've had a lot going on! I'm busy at home chasing around Suri all day, while also being 9+ months pregnant! I have been getting the nesting itch like CRAZY & need everything to be organized and clean and in its perfect spot, or else I get super restless until it's all done! Drives Seth crazy that I won't relax! Or take naps :)  I try... I really do sometimes.

Seth, of course, has been super busy with summer classes, but has been working hard & getting awesome grades! He's only got 3 weeks left and he cannot wait to have a break!! He's been working out like a champ & looks super always ;) We went out to Corvette Diner for Father's Day and had a fun time in the hippie room....and unfortunately, all my pictures from my camera got deleted, including pics from Father's Day and pics of Suri outside in the pool with her friends. But anyway, Seth has been a wonderful husband and daddy, taking on some extra duties due to the fact that I have become increasingly HUGE and unable to do a lot, and I'm very appreciative every day for having him in my life, right by my side forever.

Suri's been doing wonderfully too. She is such a fun-loving, non-stop, bouncing off the walls little girl! She really can be a handful some days, but more often than not, she is an absolute joy in our lives every day! We are so blessed to have such an amazing little girl that brightens our lives and warms our hearts. Suri has definitely gotten to enjoy the water a lot this summer & she is a total beach bum! Just like her daddy, she LOVES the water and never wants to get out (even if her teeth are chattering!) Suri has gotten to spend time with her Nana and Papa too and had a fun time at the park, and then driving up to Newport Beach to hang out with them & all the aunts and uncles and cousins (with a special visit from Auntie Tristan, Uncle TJ, & cousins Zay & Wyatt)! It was such a fun trip and we were so happy to spend time with our family & get outside & enjoy some time together! We have had an amazing summer so far and look forward to many more fun adventures....especially little Miss Sofia joining our family very soon! We'll keep y'all posted <3 Sc

Friday, June 22, 2012

Prego update!

                                                                May 12th @ 32 weeks

May 21st @ 33 weeks

May 25th @ 34 weeks

June 3rd @ 35 weeks

June 8th @ 36 weeks

 June 15th @ 37 weeks

Today, June 22nd @ 38 weeks

    So as of right now, I am 38 seen above in the last picture. I am pretty much done with being pregnant... the tossing & turning at night, the back pain, the huge belly that hits everything, the heartburn... over it! And I'd really like to meet our new little girl soon :)  I went to the doctor on Thursday and they said everything looks great, baby is measuring perfectly and has a good heartbeat, I'm progressing well (due to contractions I've been having off and on over the past 4 weeks) & that's pretty much it... I go back in a week to get another check up... if lil Sofia holds out that long! She seems to be like her sister, wants to do things her own way & on her own time... these girls are gonna be a handful! Well, that's really all for now...will keep y'all posted    <3 Sc